                                         DAILY LOGINS
Hello! Haha, this theme is rather unexpected, isn't it? I decided to decorate it with stars! Isn't it beautiful? I wish I could stargaze with someone someday, but no one's willing to do so with trash like me.

Anyways... You're probably wondering what this is, right? Well, it's a daily diary I have to fill out every single day. I wonder if anyone is actually interested in it?... Probably not. The ultimate students are more worth reading about, they actually have talent while I'm stuck here with luck out of all things.

Please, make yourself at home and enjoy this webpage I have designed for you, but it couldn't have been possible without Ibuki Mioda. She's a real savior with the internet and all! I'm not sure how these gifs and striking titles are currently a trend, though.


Entry 1


New Page 2




If you want to write to me, please e-mail me at

Maybe you'll be mentioned in one of my logs?:)

People actually like.. him?

         I do


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